Results for the North Fylde Photographic Society’s Set Subject PDI competition were announced last month. The entries were judged by David Goodier LSWPP LRPS. Here is the rollcall of winners, runners-up and those placed third:
1st place (20/20)
Janet Whitlow – Coils and Squares (Repeating Patterns)
Paul Wright – Deep in Thought (View from a Window)
Paul Wright – Help! (Song or Movie Titles)
2nd place (19/20)
Karen Morris – Bicycle Built for Two (Song or Movie Titles)
Russell Smallwood – Call Me…Blondie (Song or Movie Titles)
Russell Smallwood – Patterns within Patterns (Repeating Patterns)
James Spencer – Reach for the Sky (Song or Movie Titles)
3rd place (18/20)
Kevin O’Reilly – Arndale Centre Manchester (View from a Window)
Dawn Keeling – Leaning on a Lamppost (Song or Movie Titles)
Karen Morris – Patterns in the Textures (Repeating Patterns)
Sandra Polke – Seasons in the Sun (Song or Movie Titles)
Kevin O’Reilly – Stairs Exiting the Sistine Chapel Vatican City (Repeating Patterns)
Congratulations to all who were placed and thanks to all who took part.