
2nd Print Results 2024/25

Robin Courtship

Results for the North Fylde Photographic Society’s second seasonal print competition were announced  last week.  The entries were judged by Paul Dunmall QPG CPAGB.  Here is the rollcall of winners, runners-up and those placed third: 1st place (20/20) Angela Carr – Bad Day at the Office (Open Colour)Angela Carr – Robin Courtship (Nature)Nicki Greenwood – […]

1st Print Results 2024/25

The Lone Yacht, by Barbara Clayton

Results for the North Fylde Photographic Society’s first seasonal PDI competition were announced  last month.  The entries were judged by Jane Lines LRPS CPAGB DPAGB MPAGB BPE5*.  Here is the rollcall of winners, runners-up and those placed third

1st PDI Results 2024/25

Got It, by Angela Carr

Results for the North Fylde Photographic Society’s first seasonal PDI competition were announced  last month.  The entries were judged by Sheila Giles DPAGB AV AFIAP BPE2.  Here is the rollcall of winners, runners-up and those placed third.

Third Print Results 2022/23

Male Manderin Duck, by Clare Trewick

Results from the Third Seasonal Print Competition during the 2022/23 season

Set Subject PDI Results 2022/23

Walk on By, by Michael Chapman

Results of the Set Subject PDI Competition from the 2022/23 season

Third PDI Results 2022/23

Steamin And A Rollin, by Kean Brown

Results from the Third Seasonal PDI Competition during the 2022/23 season

L&CPU Visit Cleveleys