Adding a Keyline

Before and after adding a white keyline to an image of lit matches against a black background.

A keyline in photography is a thin border around the outside of an image, often used to help make the edges of the image distinct from the background it is displayed against. In our club we often see this used on projected images with black or dark backgrounds when projected. The keyline makes the bounds of our images clearer to the viewer. This tutorial will outline a simple method to add a keyline using Adobe Photoshop.

Open Night 2023

NFPS members talk to guests at the 2022 open night

All are invited. Starting at 7:30 pm on Tuesday 29th August 2023, the annual open night is a great chance to come and meet our welcoming members, and find out what we are all about. Come along for a free evening on what we have to offer this coming season, everyone is welcome.

Exhibitions 2023 Volume 1

Quiraing Isle of Skye, by Karen Morris

NFPS presents the first exhibition of photos seen throughout the 2022-23 season, giving you the chance to see some of the creative things we do

Third Print Results 2022/23

Male Manderin Duck, by Clare Trewick

Results from the Third Seasonal Print Competition during the 2022/23 season

Set Subject PDI Results 2022/23

Walk on By, by Michael Chapman

Results of the Set Subject PDI Competition from the 2022/23 season

Third PDI Results 2022/23

Steamin And A Rollin, by Kean Brown

Results from the Third Seasonal PDI Competition during the 2022/23 season

L&CPU Visit Cleveleys