Club Trophy Winners 2016/17

The 2016/17 club trophy winners are announced

Open Night 29th August 2017

We are holding a New Members Open Night – New Members Welcome!
Come along for a free taster evening on what we have to offer this coming season, everyone welcome.

Summer Break

Over the summer break some of the members have been organising group trips out to photographic locations and events. So far we have had trips out to Southport Botanical Gardens, Morecambe Steampunk Festival, Liverpool Docks, and Leighton Moss RSPB reserve.

Liverpool Cathedral

by Paul King

A photograph from Liverpool Cathedral

Morecambe Steampunk Festival

by Paul King

A photograph from Morecambe Steampunk Festival

Newcomer Hits the News

Our own Wayne Paulo hit the local news recently, after being awarded North Fylde Photographic Society’s Best Newcomer award. He landed in the Blackpool Gazette’s FYi magazine, with an article praising his recovery. In addition to a little promotion for the club!

L&CPU Visit Cleveleys